18 January 2009

Fashion Victims: Who's REALLY to blame?

Last night, the girls and I went out for drinks. As we're mingling, I couldn't help but notice a few offenses...

To the man with the tight red button down shirt:

Tight shirts might be alright during the day, but you shouldn't wear a shirt to the club that is tighter any female in attendance.
Don't think I didn't catch the shoes. White shoes after Labor Day -----> OK / White shoes after snowfall-----> One Exception: Santa

To the two guys dressed alike:
Perhaps dressing identically is cute for 13 year old girls with colored braces in Hannah Montana t-shirts, but for grown men it's a bit disturbing. Did you get dressed together? All I could wonder was who proposed the idea and who seconded it (I wanted to know who to "open fist punch" first).

To the girl in the sweater dress:
Many clothes were designed without you in mind. Just because it's made in your size, doesn't mean it should be purchased. Perhaps an investment in Spanx or a girdle is near, it'll be the BEST ten bucks your ever spend (promise)!

To the girl in the gold dress (friend Sweater Dress):
Potato sack race anyone? Your dress was cute outside it having no shape whatsoever, all you needed was Idaho Potato stamp on the front.

I don't claim to be a fashion guru, but these people were in violation. I've concluded that society can no longer blame the "Fashion Victim". "The Victim" clearly thinks the outfit is acceptable. We have to start holding "the Victim's" friends
(who don't say anything) accountable. They are accessories to the crime and should be charged.

Real friends don't let bad outfits happen to good people.

When in doubt, a friend is your best mirror. There is a VERY thin line between Avant Garde and Fashion Faux Pas...unless you are a trained professional just avoid these areas altogether.

Last BUT Not Least...
To the girl acting out the ENTIRE "Single Ladies" video:
In public, it's acceptable to do small hand gestures or moving of the feet from videos. What's not acceptable it acting out the entire video in the middle of a club. We all love the song too, but those dances should only be done on a space/talent available basis.

143 (Your REAL Friend) Miss Boston


angry little asian grrl said...

i almost busted a rib while reading this. too funny. my favorite line is "Real friends don't let bad outfits happen to good people."

you are my hero. :)